Alkaline Water: Icelandic Glacial vs Fiji Comparison

Are you curious about the benefits of alkaline water and which brand is best for your health? Look no further than our comparison between Icelandic Glacial and Fiji Water.

With the rise in popularity of bottled water, it can be challenging to know which brand offers the most advantages. Our goal is to provide an informative analysis of the composition, pH levels, and health benefits of Icelandic Glacial and Fiji Water to assist you in making an informed decision.

Keep reading to find out which brand reigns supreme as the best choice for alkaline water and optimal health.

Composition and pH Levels

Understanding the composition and pH levels of Icelandic Glacial and Fiji Water is essential to determine which brand is the better choice for alkaline water. Icelandic Glacial is sourced from the naturally replenished Olfus Spring in Iceland, while Fiji Water is sourced from an underground aquifer in the Yaqara Valley of Viti Levu.

Icelandic Glacial is highly rated for its purity, with a TDS (total dissolved solids) level of 62 ppm and a pH level of 8.4. It contains low levels of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate, making it an ideal choice for those seeking alkaline water with minimal additives.

Fiji Water, on the other hand, has a TDS level of 224 ppm and a pH level of 7.7. It is rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which provide additional health benefits besides alkalinity.

Comparing the two brands, Icelandic Glacial has a higher pH level, indicating it is more alkaline and potentially more beneficial for those seeking alkaline water for health reasons. However, Fiji Water contains higher levels of minerals, which may offer additional health benefits besides alkalinity.

Overall, the composition and pH levels of Icelandic Glacial and Fiji Water differ, and the best choice depends on individual preference and health needs. Those seeking pure alkaline water with minimal additives may prefer Icelandic Glacial, while those seeking alkaline water with additional minerals may choose Fiji Water.

Health Benefits

Drinking alkaline water has been linked to numerous health benefits. The higher pH level in alkaline water helps to neutralize acid in the body, which can reduce the risk of disease and improve overall health. The benefits of drinking alkaline water include:

  • Better hydration
  • Improved digestion
  • Enhanced detoxification
  • Boosted immune system
  • Reduced inflammation

When it comes to choosing between Icelandic Glacial and Fiji Water, both brands offer unique health benefits.

Icelandic Glacial Fiji Water
Benefit Pure water sourced from Icelandic glaciers, rich in minerals and trace elements Naturally purified water with electrolytes and minerals
Better Hydration Due to its high pH level (8.4), Icelandic Glacial water can improve hydration and boost energy levels. Fiji Water has a pH level of 7.7, which is ideal for hydration and helps to balance the body’s pH levels.
Improved Digestion Icelandic Glacial water is naturally alkaline, which can help neutralize acid and reduce acid reflux symptoms. The minerals and electrolytes in Fiji Water can support digestive health and regulate bowel movements.
Detoxification The high silica content in Icelandic Glacial water can help remove toxins from the body and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Fiji Water’s electrolytes can help the body flush out toxins and boost the detoxification process.

Ultimately, the best bottled water for health will depend on your individual needs and preferences. However, both Icelandic Glacial and Fiji Water offer unique health benefits and can be great choices for those looking to improve their overall health and wellbeing.


After comparing the composition, pH levels, and health benefits of Icelandic Glacial and Fiji Water, it’s clear that both brands offer excellent options for those seeking to hydrate with alkaline water. However, when it comes to choosing the best bottled water for ultimate health benefits, Icelandic Glacial comes out on top.

Icelandic Glacial’s water source is a sustainable glacier in Iceland, which provides some of the purest and mineral-rich water in the world. With a pH level of 8.4, Icelandic Glacial offers superior alkalinity, which has been linked to a range of health benefits such as reduced acid reflux, improved bone health, and boosted immunity.

While Fiji Water also provides alkaline water with a pH level of 7.7, its composition lacks the mineral-rich content of Icelandic Glacial. Additionally, Fiji Water has faced criticism for sourcing its water from an underground aquifer near a volcanic zone, which could expose it to potential contaminants.

Overall, if you’re looking for the best alkaline water option, Icelandic Glacial is the clear winner. Its sustainable and pure water composition, coupled with superior alkalinity, make it an excellent choice for those seeking optimal hydration and health.


What is alkaline water?

Alkaline water is water that has a pH level higher than 7, making it less acidic than regular tap water. It is believed to have potential health benefits due to its alkalizing properties.

What is Icelandic Glacial water?

Icelandic Glacial water is a brand of premium natural spring water sourced from the naturally replenished Ölfus Spring in Iceland. It is known for its high quality and purity.

What is Fiji water?

Fiji water is a brand of natural artesian water sourced from an underground aquifer in the remote Yaqara Valley of Viti Levu, Fiji. It is renowned for its unique mineral composition.

How do Icelandic Glacial and Fiji water compare in terms of composition?

Icelandic Glacial water is sourced from a protected underground spring, boasting a low mineral content and pristine taste. Fiji water, on the other hand, contains essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and silica, providing a subtle hint of sweetness.

What are the pH levels of Icelandic Glacial and Fiji water?

Icelandic Glacial water has a pH level of 8.4, making it naturally alkaline. Fiji water, with a pH level ranging from 7.7 to 8.5, is also considered alkaline. Both brands offer water with high pH levels.

What are the health benefits of drinking alkaline water?

Alkaline water is believed to help neutralize acid in the body, improve hydration, detoxification, and aid in digestion. It may also support bone health and boost the immune system.

What specific health benefits do Icelandic Glacial and Fiji water offer?

Both Icelandic Glacial and Fiji water offer similar health benefits associated with alkaline water, such as hydration and detoxification. Icelandic Glacial water’s low mineral content may be beneficial for people with certain health conditions, while Fiji water’s mineral composition can contribute to overall well-being.

Which is the best choice for optimal health, Icelandic Glacial or Fiji water?

The choice between Icelandic Glacial water and Fiji water depends on personal preferences and health considerations. If you prefer a purer taste and lower mineral content, Icelandic Glacial water may be the best choice for you. If you appreciate a slightly sweet taste and the additional minerals provided by Fiji water, it may be the preferred option.

How does alkaline water compare to glacier water?

Alkaline water refers to water with a high pH level, whereas glacier water comes from the melting glaciers and contains minerals from the rocks. The main difference lies in their sources and composition.

How does alkaline water compare to Fiji water?

Both alkaline water and Fiji water have higher pH levels, offering potential health benefits. However, Fiji water has a unique mineral composition due to its source, while alkaline water can be sourced from various locations.

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